Please let us know if you catch any other inaccuracies in our stories.
Month: February 2019
One thing the FAA wanted to make very clear is that they have no idea about this. Don’t call them.
It seems the Sterile Cockpit rule has been applied to aviation as a whole.
There you are buzzing happily along, following the magenta line with absolute precision, when the worst thing that could possibly happen to a modern day …
Do you dream of flying an airplane as pilot in command (PIC)? Take this quiz… 1 – If you pass the checkride what will you …
If you are a human, pilot or not, you no doubt recall an event in 2008 when a pilot by the name of James Andersson …
The NTSB says they still haven’t determined what exactly the aircraft struck, but they suspect it was something larger and much harder than a bird.
Pilots are basically just a formality at this point.
We consulted with our specialist on vaginas, the Ninety-Nines International Organization of Women Pilots, to found out how they did.
“The typical cruising speed of a Cessna is 561 mph,” according to our Aviation Daily News transportation correspondant.